Prettacy 1.12: Welcome to the next gen race!

Alt title: BREAKING NEWS: Stalker dolls ruin everything!!! 😡

Hey everyone, welcome back to the BATB prettacy! And I know what your thinking “Another post so soon? I thought I’d have to wait at least another year for this!” But no, here is another update because I have all summer and no social life~

Last time on the prettacy I moved out everyone’s favourite Prince, oh and Juliette too, Beast had 2 babies with an alien which made mine and Anubis’ lives 10x harder, Anubis held a grudge against me and we talked a lot about hair! And I still refuse to elaborate on why it took us so long to start up the legacy again

So considering Nathan is literally waiting on me at this point to get on to generation 2, I’m having to put a lot of game play in very little time! Let’s see how it goes!!


Before we get started on the chapter I find it only fair to put in Juliette’s final painting before she moved out.

I mean look at it! It’s so colourful and anime, she finally listened to me about what kind of paintings I wanted, she was starting to make progress

Then she moved out… Le sigh.

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So considering these two little ones are the reason why I’m so behind I’ve gotta put a LOT of focus on them in this chapter as it’s a race against time for me to give them all their skills and age them to children.

But I thinks it’s a little unfair that my last gen 1 chapter is focused completely on the newbies, so I’m gonna try to highlight all of the girls best attributes in a extra mini chapter, so you can choose your favourite for the heiress vote!

But on a side note look how cute they are. I s2g only toddlers can pull of that nose and make me think they’re adorable

Rapunzel: Peek a boo!

Jasmine: Ahhhhhhhh! 😮

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Even Beast is helping me out for once, he rolled the wish for this and everything!

Beast: Come on Jaz, walk to to daddy so I can finally retire!

It’s suddenly not so applaudable

Learn to walk: Done!

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Anubis: I’m never letting you age up O_O

Unfortunately, they have to and while we’re on the topic of unfortunate, I was unable to get a picture of either of the girls learning to talk. Whoops

Learn to talk: Done!


Rapunzel: Yoo awe weally lazy

Wow, they’re starting to learn from a young age…

Potty training: Done!

Toddler training montage: Complete!


How’s it going Beastie Boy? Happy your generation is nearly over?

Beast: Yeah I guess, I didn’t really have much of a purpose though

What are you talking about? You’re my founder! You’re the very root and soul of this legac- Oh who am I kidding, that’s bs, you’re totally pointless.

Beast: Yup, I’ve just kind of accepted that at this point. Ffs Juliette gets more screen time than me!

Yeah, but that’s only because I like her paintings, not because I like her


Talking of the sorry excuse of a sim, it’s kinda sad to look at this. It’s her last and unfinished painting…

Nath: Sounds like you’re actually starting to like Juliette 😉

No way! There is no way that – Hang on a sec, hasn’t she painted that before?!

Juliette’s ghost: MWHAHAHA!!! >:)

This next little part of the chapter I like to call “Things that still exist in my game but I forget to mention!”


1) Animals!

That’s right, I still have pets it’s just I cba with that lag, so I don’t bother to add any to the house! Although every so often we will get a raccoon walk past the house, like so!

Raccoon: I’m gonna eat all of your food!

Good luck with that, at this point the only thing we have in the fridge is cake


2) Gnomes!

I currently have 3 gnomes on my lot, you all remember Carlos-

Carlos: ¡Hola!

But you may not know the other two gnomes: The one in the middle is called Dave and the one on the left – who I have no idea where it even came from – is called Becky!

Nath: 😀

That’s right it’s the return of Becky! She may be a gnome now but oh well.



3) The stalker van! 

Yup, this guy’s still creepin’ around every once in a while

And yes, I still refuse to buy ice-cream from it…

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4) The portal to the future!

I don’t think I ever mentioned this but, yeah it exists and no I will not be using it because I have enough lag and glitches without traveling to other worlds


5) Creeper dolls!

They still exist and Jesus Christ on a bobsleigh do they scare me

Also this one seems to be aging up. Yay?




Prince C: Love me ○_○

Whelp, I’m gonna be repressing that from my nightmares…

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And finally 6) Belle!

Belle: Oh how funny of you, ha ha. Can’t you see I’m wetting myself -.-

Yeah, I kinda feel bad about the fact I give Belle about 2% screen time-

Belle: You do realise Juliette AND Dad both get more screen time than me

Yeahhhhh, sorry about that one kiddo. All you really do is make potions

Belle: Well all Juliette does is paint!

Yeah, but at least her paintings are interesting


Now to keep up the tradition this generation: here’s a birthday!

I swear to god next generation I’m having 2 kids and no more


Blah, blah, blah. Happy birthday Rapunzel


Blah, blah, blah. Happy birthday Jasmine

Hang on, Belle what are you doing?

Belle: Getting more screen time. Bitch





Cross eyes!



Ugly pre-makeover shots!

The overbite is strong in these two

Side note: I found out that when their tongues pop through their faces it’s called bimple pox and that is such a weird name I had to include that somewhere!


Anyway, here is Rapunzel and if you look very closely you can see her tongue poke through

Rapunzel: I only have a slight case of bimple pox 🙂

Which means I don’t have to write you with a lisp 😀

Anyway, she’s gotten slightly better from when she was a toddler but she’s still pretty ugly!


And here we have Jasmine!

I have got to say I am LOVING Jaz! I know she’s got the whole shark-fin face look, but damn have you seen those cheek bones? And her eyes are super pretty!

Jasmine: Thank you 🙂 Wait, wasn’t my hair darker than this though?

Yeah, but I figured if you’re gonna be stuck with green hair, may as well make it a pretty shade!

This would be where I end the chapter but you’d be wrong if you thought that because  it’s time for:

So recently I’ve been experiencing some god awful lag in my game, and at first I thought it was my laptop not bring able to run the game as fast as my computer was able to. However after further inspection – and by that I mean nraas mods have pointed it out to me – that there is a SERIOUS problem with my sims game. Also thanks to those mods (Seriously they are an actual life-saver) I was able to track down the culprit of my lag.

So first off I reset my entire game to try and repair anything that needed to be fixed


Let me just say it took a solid 10 minutes to reset everything, but I finally got there. Over 14,500 objects were reset and I thought “Hey, that should do the trick!” Right?


Turns out there is a completely different culprit for my lag.

Well, different culprits

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That’s right! These little fuckers are the reason my game is corrupt!


But anyway, the point is to fix my game I’m going to have to restart in a new world, so get ready a for complete makeover of the BATB prettacy in generation 2. I did want to stay in Twinbrook but I’ve already had enough of it and we’re only in 1 generation!

Where are the Ugly’s moving to? You’ll have to stay tuned to find out!

About girlygirl9105

Hi I'm Ellen! I like sims and am terrible at updating!
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